While relaxing this past weekend, watching Mad Men, it dawned on me how clueless some advertising agencies can be when it comes to targeting products to the female psyche. The episode focused on the Mad Men coming up with an ad campaign for Playtex that would rival that of the competitor Maiden Form. After a boys' night out brainstorming session, the Mad Men come up with the idea that all women either want to be a Jackie Kennedy or a Marylin Monroe. The client ultimately decides to continue with their current, more conservative approach.
I had to laugh a little when I saw this episode. True, there are women out there that strive to be a Jackie or Marylin, however, with women becoming more empowered everyday, these Mad Men miss the boat on understanding who women really are and what women really want.
The majority of women that come into my store aren't buying bras to please men (with the exception of V-day and anniversaries), instead, they are making purchases based on what they want. Appealing to this demographic is more about making her feel good in her own skin. Tapping into the female psyche is much more complex than forcing her to fit into a predetermined iconic mold. When targeting women, concentrate on who she really is, rather than what is the preconceived image of who she may (or may not) be.
Mad Men Episode Guide
1960's Maiden Form Advertisement:
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